Dr Sebi Talks About Famous People He Healed


Question: We would really like to ask you, what famous people have you cured?

Dr Sebi: Well we have Mr. Michael Jackson.

Question: What was his problem?

Dr Sebi: Well, everything with his nervous system. Just name it, he had it. I had Mr. Steven Seagal which had a headache for many years and the Lamas didn’t cure it.

Question: The Lamas from where?

Dr Sebi: Tibet.

Question: He was in Tibet?

Dr Sebi: Kathmandu, he’s a Lama. So I cured his headache and the Lamas didn’t.

Question: Where did he get the headache from?

Dr Sebi: From his tired head, he had a lot of inflammation in his head.

Question: So, how did you cure his headache?

Dr Sebi: I gave him a composition of iron and phosphorus and his headache was gone in less than five minutes.

Last updated on July 27, 2024 3:33 am

The other one that I treated was Mr. Eddie Murphy family and his mother.

Question: What was his?

Dr Sebi: Well, you know these are things that you don’t… Patient, doctor, confidential.

Question: Okay.

Dr Sebi: You cannot say that, but I treated Eddie Murphy mother. I treated miss Cicely Tyson brother. He had his disease and well I treated many. In my conversation with Lisa Lopes one night. In the village, she said to me: you know what I found out in my 42 days fast, that we really don’t know anything. I say you right Lisa, we don’t know anything and what are all these books are for? I said, I don’t know, I don’t read them. I don’t read any books, I don’t read nobody’s book. I don’t care whose book is this. See, but there is only left one thing.

We should only offer compassion to each others. To receive great benefits from the treatment and she told me to mention it, which I had not mentioned it ever. I think I’m gonna say it now. Lisa came with all of the little matter’s that’s superficial. You know, maybe some alcoholism. Little light too, not much and she was kind of nervous that I had her make fast and that stopped.

Everything stopped and one day we in a conversation and she said, you know Dr Sebi when I came to you I had herpes and I didn’t tell you. It’s all gone. I said thank you. Thank you very much cause it showed the value of the intra cellular chelation. You don’t have to tell me what you have, it’s gonna be relieved. It’s gonna be relieved of your body, it will be because it gonna surge out. It goes into the bloodstream and go to every part of you. And remove what you didn’t tell me you had. So I’m satisfied with the process. Lisa Lopes, Teddy Pendergrass.

Question: What did Teddy Pendergrass?

Dr Sebi: He was moving everything that was never suppose to move. Yes. But he like Cicely Tyson, they both didn’t pay me. So that was okay and Michael Jackson didn’t pay me either. And that was okay, I could understand. I could understand.

One Reply to “Dr Sebi Talks About Famous People He Healed”

  1. What do I need for Inter Cellular Chelation? Also very interested In Optic nerve regeneration ( Optic Atrophy from Childhood til present adult life ) It runs in my family ( My mother and brother have it.

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