Why You Should Eat Tropical Foods Dr Sebi


Dr Sebi: Yes, ma’am.

Question: You are telling us that we require food or tropical food. If that’s the case, that our diets should be mostly tropical foods and if so should we be living in a tropical climate?

Dr Sebi: You see, you see what the sister just asked. It’s the whole lecture. She asked does it necessitates should it to be tropical. That the food come from the tropics. Or that we would have to live in a tropical region. What happen when you put a gorilla in Alaska?

Audience: He dies.

Dr Sebi: And what are you thinking we doing gradually? Our skin get wrinkled fast. Dying. And what she also said, does that mean also that we suppose to get our food from the tropics? Well I’ll tell you what, I was a merchant seaman. I know about boats. I have a brother that own boats in Honduras now. A boat only cost about $70,000 to come from Honduras to Miami. So with that dollar we could buy five boats. We hold it. We could also get our land in Honduras and then we would grow stuff over there. And bring on boats organically to you. Tropical fruits. Yes sister, you’re right. You asked the question of the evening. That’s why we use the herb that come from the tropic because they contain electricity. Higher over anything from the temprate region. That’s why everyone feel so good with the Maya.

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Last updated on October 26, 2020 11:26 pm

Our compounds are electrical. Food is electrical, you are electrical. I had the opportunity to receive electricity through my pores in Honduras as a very young boy, 16 years of age. I’m walking across Honduras and this Indian mister, he knew the forest. He was my age, but he knew more about it than I did. He said look, if we go across these mountains, it’s going to cost a lot of labour going up and down up and down, he said look, you see this shoulder, they call Cordiera. We’re gonna climb up one mountain and walk across all the others. from the top. Across, just one spot we have to come down, we go right back up 10,000 feet.

We were in the clouds. We were inside the cloud and at one point I was laughing and running. All three of us young fellas, 16 years of age running in this cloud. Running, walking three days. Sleeping only one day, but we had energy and you know it was until I became a healer that I saw why that Indian asked us to walk in the cloud. If food is electrical and life is electrical is electrical, where do you get the highest source of electricity on the planet from, naturally? From the cloud. The cloud produces more life than a human. Well if from those clouds come electricity and we are submerged in it, what you think is happening to us?

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