Dr Sebi Reveals Viento Ingredients


Dr Sebi: Brothers we need help. We need each other’s help now and I hope that tonight, this group, that we are here, you would form a family through this man. You could join up, join up as a family and I would be forced to give you information because you come to me for it and that’s what you should receive from me. Tonight, I said there would be part two, there’s only two hours. When I come back the next time as promised it will be back in the spring. I will bring my entourage and we’re going to go into the list of foods and show how to prepare it. Because in reality I don’t even eat and I eat today, I don’t eat tomorrow and when I eat you know, I know I’m eating something bad, so why eat it? You take this.

Audience member: What is in it?

Dr Sebi: The woman ask again, what is in this? You know when see a bull fighter fighting in the ring, have you ever seen a bull fighter fighting a cow? No, they will never put a cow with the bull in the ring with a bull fighter because you’d kill it. Because the bull closes it’s eyes before he gets to the Toreador. So he get a chance to step out of the way, but you put a cow in there with it and our eyes are wide open any way he turns.

She asks whats in it? This package has, is a compound of two substance, only two. And how I thought about this was with the aid of my wife. She said, you always say that oxygen is a cell periferent. I said yes, oxygen is a real food. You could eat the best food in the world and I hold your nose and your mouth for two minutes, what happens? Your dead. Telling us that the cells need what? Oxygen. Oxygen. The more that you get, the more alive you are. She said okay and the next oneā€¦ Which is the substance that electrifies the system and remove inflammation? Iron fluorine. So, I went to Africa, I got the Cancansa.

I went to the Honduras, I got the Guaco.

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as of October 27, 2020 9:23 pm
Last updated on July 27, 2024 3:33 am

I went to Mexico, I got the Lily of the Valley, which is nothing but Iron and I got all these iron herbs and I put them together along with the herb that has what – oxygen.

And if you believe that herbs does not trap oxygen, well you got another thing coming. When I come back to New York I’m going to bring the herb and I’ll put it in a glass of water and as the herb goes down, you will see bubbles. Oxygen coming from the herb. There is another herb that has oxygen, the Marula.

It has so much oxygen that it owns the water. So when you combine these herbs, oxygen and iron you come up with a the Viento. And when you take it, the first thing you’re gonna feel is that you’re going to sleep like a baby, you’re going to have energy. This Venezuelan man came to throw away the trash from the house about two months ago and I gave him some. I said take this with you young man. He came back next day and said, my wife love you.

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