Dr Sebi – Herb Jesus Christ Used To Heal

Dr Sebi:

When I was arrested in 1987, Dr. Victor Herbert who is head of the veteran administration right here in New York. They call him, hey we got a nigger here who’s talking some stuff. We want you to counter act that because we know you bad. They brought him, they brought Dr. Banana from Memorial Hospital in Boston, we want you. They went all the way to Minnesota and got Dr. Christopher. Have three doctors in a Supreme Court against me. And when they read their accomplishment and their degrees and their school, it took a half an hour for each one. And when they read mine, they said well Dr Sebi is an herbalist.

That was it, but when the argument started, I asked the questions that the doctors were not prepared to ask, to answer. Like for instance, I said your honor is it a fact that the Bible states that the herbs are for the healing of the nation? In the book of Genesis, in the Book of Ezekiel, in the book of Revelation, in the book of Exodus. The judge said yes. I said, well if the Bible state that the herbs are for the healing of the nation, then it’s not coming from God? The judge said yes. Well why am I being arrested? I use herbs.

The physicians use chemicals, they are not being arrested, it’s me. So, am I the violator? But your honor, if by chance we disregard God, I say go to hell. Oh Oh, then we have Hippocrates 365 years before Christ was born he was curing every disease known to man. Hippocrates was curing long before Christ was even born. What did he use? Herbs. I said, but if we disregard God and Hippocrates, we go to Jesus. Didn’t Jesus ask, why did the daughter of Jerusalem sick, is there no Balm in Gilead? The Balm of Gilead is one of the best herbs in world, that’s the herb I use.

If we disregard Jesus, then we go to Claudio Galeno 1729 Renaissance, Italy. This Italian was the last of the natural scientists. He cured the Prince, the medicine, children of all the diseases that they had using herbs. So your honor, we have God, Hippocrates, Jesus Christ and Galeno. Now we go to science, science shows that the oldest substance that could readily assimilate and render goods is a substance that is carbon based. Chemicals has no carbon-based neither does artificial plants, so I rest my case. And the judge look at the physicians and said “enough, do I get a response?”. The physicians had their pencils and was going (demonstrates).

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