Dr Sebi – Natural Herbal Remedy For Raising Testosterone Or Estrogen

Dr Sebi:

We also put together the T1. The T1, which is the one that is selling more than anything else as far as our product is concerned. The T1 addresses the prostrate gland because it is laden with zinc, organic zinc, phosphate of zinc, not zinc oxide.

Be very careful when entering a herb store or a health store. Read the label because as we find in the allopathic chemicals that are very damaging to the system, we find that in the herb stores others may not be as damaging, but they will clog the system with chalk. When you ingest oxide of zinc this is exactly what you’re doing, but when you ingest phosphate of zinc you’re not. You’re dealing, you’re now ingesting something that has predigested for you by the plants, they are phosphate. The T1 addresses the prostrate gland, cleansing and ensuring that one would regain that sexual level that one thinks that’s so necessary.

As for the female we find the H1, which is a nutrition that really feeds the reproductive organ and stabilizes the nervous system, addresses this hot and cold flashes.

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