Natural Herbal Remedy For Impotence Dr Sebi

Dr Sebi:

Like when I gave the man the stuff in Sequoia. His name is… He came because he had Gout. He said look my Gout is bad I heard that you heal people. So he’s shoes was cut off and I gave the substance. Two weeks later he came back with his wife. But he noticed something before he left, that I had given him the same substance that given other people who did not have gout. And he was angry because he said that this was medically inconsistent. How could you give the diabetic the same thing I have, I am not diabetic and they don’t have Gout. I said, you have the same disease, you have mucus.

The mucus is in her pancreas, but it’s in your, is in your toe. So what happened? As he tuck the stuff and he came back in two weeks, he came with his wife. He came back and he sit there powerful his name is… a Puerto Rican. I said, how you feeling? No, his wife said tell the doctor how you feel. I said he doesn’t have to tell me, he’s wearing shoes that are closed in. When he came he had his shoes cut off. Oh that’s not what I am talking about, tell him how you feel. Well doc my energy is back and you know I am feeling stronger. Well doc I wasn’t having sex in two years and I’m having sex again and she laughed.

That’s what I like about you women, men doesn’t give you guys that much credit though to have that patience. See we really afraid of you and when a man cannot have sex… You know what comes to his thoughts? He gonna call you a thousand times a day from his job. Making sure you in that house. He don’t believe, that there’s a woman, that would wait for him with a sexless life. Oh no, never. Not in a man’s brain. I had this with a policeman in Dominica. The policeman wife came to me, oh this is a beautiful lady, you got to here about this lady.

She came to me and said, Sebi my husband is impotent for four years and I have not had sex for four years and I’m not gonna have sex with anyone else than him. So I want you to have… I want my husband yo have sex with me. Are you gonna help me Sebi? I said yes and guess what the man had the plant right behind his back. In his window from his kitchen. I asked her, I said do you have Mimosa pudica in your house, she said yes. I said give him the Mimosa pudica five times a day, big glasses of it and let him take this for his colon and his intestines and through his intracellular structure.

How much you charge me? Nothing, because I just recently got to Dominica and I want to show them what I could do. So she goes and she gives him the stuff and she boiled the plant Mimosa pudica. Mimosa pudica, who from the island? Anyone from the island? Anyone been to the islands? Okay, those of you who’ve been to the islands, have you remember, do you remember in Jamaica or any place that you’ve been there is a plant that grows that when you touch it, it goes to sleep. Has a lot of thorns on it. They call it dead and wake. Oh, you remember that, thank you very much. That is the plant.

That plant is very powerful, there is no, there should be no impotence in males because baby it grows on my land like mad. So, you know I got it by the truck loads because I don’t want to be weak when I need it the most. What happened, the policeman now came to see me four days later and said to me: you know who I am? I said no, which I didn’t know. You see I want to ask you a question, how could you heal someone without seeing them? I said because you don’t drink me, you drink a substance that makes you well. You don’t have to see me, you don’t drink me. I am not the on that makes you well, it’s the substance you drink. You don’ have to see me to drink it.

2 Replies to “Natural Herbal Remedy For Impotence Dr Sebi

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